If you’ve not yet brought your let property into line with the Domestic Minimum Energy Efficiency (MEES) Regulations, make sure to do so by the 1st of April. That is when the regulations come into force and if you are in breach of them, you could be facing a fine of up to £4,000.
A reminder about the 1st of April deadline comes from Landlord Today in a story dated the 26th of February.
As we advised landlords on the 5th of April last year, MEES came into effect that month for all new tenancies that started on or after the 1st of April 2019. As from this April, the new regulations also apply to any existing tenancy, including those which started before the 1st of April 2019.
The regulations require landlords to ensure that any let property must achieve an energy performance rating (EPC) of at least an E. If it is currently performing only to an F or G standard, therefore, appropriate steps must be taken to improve the EPC until the property is let to tenants.
Exemptions to the new requirement may be granted if:
the tenant or other third party refuses to allow or otherwise obstructs the carrying out of works to improve the EPC;
if the necessary EPC improvements are going to cost more than £3,500 to complete; or
if the necessary works have the effect of devaluing the property by more than 5% of its current market value.
In view of the limited grounds for exemption and the possibility of a £4,000 fine, therefore, all landlords now need to ensure their let property achieves at least a category E EPC rating in order to comply with MEES.