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Quote Ref: UKIN01


Low excesses available

Liability cover included for home visitors

Security of top rated insurers

Monthly instalments available

Comprehensive cover available immediately

Unique and exclusive insurance schemes

All About Home Workers

If you work from home and do not have specific home office insurance, you may be risking your livelihood.

We offer cover for everyone from freelance journalists, Web designers, SEO companies basically anyone who works from home and required cover for their business equipment and visitors. Working from home means that you need special insurance advice.

Think about :-
Your equipment: Check whether this is included in your employer’s policy or whether you need to arrange it through your own home office insurance policy. If you are self employed you will need to arrange your own cover.

Employer’s (required by Law) and public liability insurance : You need this cover in the event that either you or somebody visiting you on a work related matter is involved in an accident in your home or if you cause damage to third party property or injure someone as a result of your business activities carried out anywhere in the UK.

Professional Indemnity: This relates to those who offer advice or professional services. Make sure that you are covered for any financial loss suffered by your client arising out of any errors or omissions you make in the service or advice you provide.

In addition, you may need cover against costly court cases, Inland Revenue and VAT Investigations.

Finally, you need to inform your home contents and buildings policy providers about working at home. Any existing policy may be invalidated unless you have done so.
The best thing to do if you need home business insurance is to speak to an advisor

At UKinsuranceNET we provide insurance cover to give you peace of mind. It allows you to concentrate on running your own business without worry.

In addition to protecting your business equipment and stock you will also require liability cover to protect your visitors.

The policies that we can arrange online provide comprehensive cover. Click here to get your Multi Quote and buy online.

UKinsuranceNET® is a trading style of Internet Insurance Services UK Ltd, UKinsuranceNET House, Falcon Court, Stockton on Tees, TS18 3TU

Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, Firm Reference Number 300859. Registered in England and Wales under Company Registration Number 03928028.

Registered Office: Rossington’s Business Park, West Carr Road, Retford, Nottinghamshire, DN22 7SW.

Internet Insurance Services UK Ltd is part of the PIB Group.

Copyright © Internet Insurance Services UK Ltd

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