Immediate cover available
Monthly instalments
Comprehensive or basic cover available
Short & long term unoccupied insurance
Contents insurance available for unoccupied homes
Cover during probate
When you last arranged or renewed your home insurance, you almost certainly discovered that there was no option but to buy cover for a full 12 months. If, for some reason, you wanted to cancel the cover during the course of that year, it might be possible, but there is likely to be a penalty to pay for doing so.
But there are likely to be certain circumstances when you know from the outset that your need is for relatively short-term cover only and the ability to tailor the cover for the specific number of months that it might be required, rather than for the entire year.
There are lots of reasons why your home might be unoccupied for a few months or longer – you might be:
But there is also a special set of circumstances where a property stands unoccupied – when it is subject to probate.
Whether you are an executor or following the legal process of probate in the expectation of being a beneficiary of the deceased person’s will, you are likely to want to make sure that any property – such as the former home – is safeguarded by appropriate insurance.
This means recognising that the home building and contents insurance that may have been in place whilst the deceased was still alive is likely to encounter potentially severe shortcomings whilst the property stands empty and unoccupied.
In short, the standard cover is likely to be restricted or regarded as lapsed altogether once the property has been empty for a period of 45-60 consecutive days (some insurers allow longer, some a shorter period of time).
To restore the level of insurance cover the property needs whilst it is unoccupied – for whatever reason – a specialist form of short-term house insurance is required. For this, you might want to ask us for an unoccupied property insurance online quote, or give us a call.
Often, especially in the case of legal proceedings such as probate, you might be uncertain how long the property might remain empty – but hope that this is likely to fall neatly into the annual periods of cover provided by standard forms of insurance.
Short-term home insurance, therefore, is designed with the in-built flexibility of providing cover for just parts of the year, rather than having to arrange cover for a full 12 months.
We are one of the market leaders in all forms of short-term home insurance – and many other insurance products, too. Our tens of thousands of existing customers already know that we put our quality of service – whether you are calling by phone or using the internet – first and foremost.
Join them and discover for yourself the ease with which you may find a tailor-made insurance policy – at some of the most competitive prices on the market.
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